Each year CABA coordinates the award of several student scholarships which are generously sponsored by sporting groups
The Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture is pleased to announce the Marin Rod and Gun Club (MR&GC) Scholarships for 2023. This club will be awarding two $2,000 scholarships to UC Davis Graduate Students who are working on research related to fish conservation.
The Diablo Valley Flyfishing Club (DVFF) based in Walnut Creek, CA. sponsors this annual $2,500 scholarship (one per year) in support of a UC Davis graduate student conducting research in fisheries biology and/or riparian or limnetic ecology, with projects that benefit California’s recreational fisheries.
Open to UC Davis Graduate Students who are working on fisheries biology and/or riparian or limnetic ecology research that is beneficial to California’s recreational or commercial fisheries.
The Fly Fishers of Davis (FFD) sponsors this annual $1,500 scholarship (one per year) in support of a graduate student conducting research in fisheries biology and/or riparian or limnetic ecology benefiting California’s recreational fisheries, with preference given for research on a sport‐related fish species.